Our business is powered by hydro power, the wind and the sun.

We work continuously to reduce the environmental impact of our operations. And a big part of that is to only use green energy sources.

Et vandfald

Environmental and environmental management policy

Depona has the ambition to be an environmentally friendly company in all we do and throughout our operations. A consistent and long-term environmental focus not only offers advantages for the world we all live in, it also reduces costs. Not only do we seek to reduce the environmental impact from our own operations this also guides how we ourselves purchase products and services. Our environmental work is founded on the following business principles:
– Minimize the use of resources
– Renewability
– Degradability
– Recyclability

Depona is environmentally certified in accordance with the ISO 14001 requirements and our goal is to continuously maintain a certification regarding environmental management systems in accordance with ISO 14001:2004.

The Depona office and production facilities are large offering us the opportunity to achieve environmental advantages by reducing our energy consumption in these areas. However, the largest environmental impact in our operations occur before the archive material reaches our facilities and after they leave our facilities (transports and destruction). It is therefore imperative that Depona assigns high environmental standards on all sub-contractors within these areas of our business. For that reason, Depona only cooperates with suppliers that are certified in accordance with ISO 14001.

The management team at Depona is responsible for upholding and developing the company’s environmental policies. The implementation of the policy is decentralized throughout the organization. Every local manager has the primary responsible for ensuring that the environmental guidelines are uphold and that all employees are engaged in this work.

Environmental topics and responsibilities are an integrated part of Deponas introduction education for all employees.

All suppliers from which Depona purchases products and services, are subject to meeting Deponas environmental requirements. These requirements are also taken in consideration in all investment and purchasing decisions. Depona has an ongoing dialogue with all company sub-contractors to ensure that environmental concerns are monitored and addressed. When planning changes to any Depona office or production facilities, including furnishing, environmental guidelines are followed, including that environmental and material declarations are required. All material and components should have an extended product life cycle, be energy efficient and be possible to recycle.

There is an ongoing work to reduce the energy consumption in all office and production facilities that Depona rent. This is conducted by optimizing the maintenance and use of electrical equipment and heating systems. In addition, we reduce our energy consumption by energy reutilization and using selective products that are more energy efficient. Our energy consumption is continuously monitored.

Depona only engages with environmentally certified road carriers for all purchased transportation needs. Our major road carrier must be certified in accordance with ISO 14001 requirements. All Depona transportation vehicles must have particle filters and all drivers need to complete an education in environmentally friendly driving.

Depona sign nationwide central agreements regarding recycling, return management and destruction. At all Depona offices and archive facilities waste, paper, glass and environmentally hazardous waste is sorted. Disposable materials and products are only used to a limited extent.

Glass and paper are returned for recycling whereas for instance batteries, lightbulbs and chemicals are returned for environmentally appropriate destruction. Only eco-labeled detergents, cleansers, floor care products, paper and return boxes are used.

All Depona archive boxes are marked with relevant recycling labeling and are manufactured of recycled paper. The largest amount of material for recycling is derived from the paper based customer archive material that annually is sorted out from our archives. In order to ensure a secure and environmentally friendly handling of this outdated customer archive material, Depona cooperates with several selected recycling sub-contractors. Depona annually supplies hundreds of tons of high quality paper for recycling.

Depona AB

Magnus Litens,


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